Bote con ruedas de Palas, Leonardo Da Vi  (Vista 1)
Bote con ruedas de Palas, Leonardo Da Vi  (Vista 2)
Bote con ruedas de Palas, Leonardo Da Vi  (Vista 3)
Bote con ruedas de Palas, Leonardo Da Vi  (Vista 4)
Bote con ruedas de Palas, Leonardo Da Vi  (Vista 5)
Bote con ruedas de Palas, Leonardo Da Vi (Vista 6)
Bote con ruedas de Palas, Leonardo Da Vi (Vista 7)
Bote con ruedas de Palas, Leonardo Da Vi (Vista 8)
Bote con ruedas de Palas, Leonardo Da Vi (Vista 9)
Bote con ruedas de Palas, Leonardo Da Vi (Vista 10)

Bote con ruedas de Palas, Leonardo Da Vi

Ref.: ITAL-03103

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Bote con ruedas de Palas, Leonardo Da Vinci
On page 945/r/ of the Codex Atlanticus, Leonardo da Vinci drew many devices for the plan of a mechanical paddle boat. One or more sailors can alternate working the pedals. The pedals transfer the alternate motion to a central gear, where it becomes linear motion, and a series of gears transfer it to the two big paddles on the sides of the craft. The central gear is drawn in more accurately on another page, 30/v/, and the mechanism works through springs hidden in the two main wheels that alternate

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